Calming Signals
Calming signals, the dog’s life insurance. In order to grow into socially well-functioning dogs, with the ability to avoid or resolve conflicts, it is of great importance that dogs, on their way to adulthood, have frequent contact with their own kind and people. In this way, they can develop the most important communication skills and body signals together. Calming signals are already used by dogs from 8 weeks of age.
Dogs can prevent a conflict in dangerous or difficult situations by giving calming signals. Or they can calm themselves with them. Some dogs lack these communication skills, which are the language of the dog. The cause of this often lies with humans, because if you do not understand these signals, it is obvious to punish the dog, if this happens regularly, the dog will no longer dare to use them.
Calming signals are precisely aimed at relaxing, reducing the distance. It is calming emotions, such as fear, stress, anger or other circumstances that can lead to a conflict, both with us and with other dogs. But if the dog is unable to communicate with calming signals, then threat signals such as growling can be used. As a dog, you want to increase the distance, chase away the other dog or person.
There are about 30 calming signals, this depends on the dog and in what situation the dog is? A few examples are;
Turning the head away, turning the body away, licking the nose, yawning, shaking, moving slowly, licking the lip, walking in a corner.
N.b; The above signals can also be given very briefly or very quickly by the dog. You as an owner can also use these signals to calm the dog!